jeudi 17 janvier 2008

Kazem El Saher gets the Qatari Nationality

As a reward for his great artistic production Iraqi singer Kazem El Saher was given the Qatari nationality. Qatar had already decided to do the same thing with other influential Arab personas, in all fields.

On the other hand, El-Saher is currently preparing for the release of his musical epical work "Gilgamesh Epic" in Doha, Qatar.

El-Saher is therefore holding many sessions, under the supervision of the Qatari ministry of Culture, in preparations for the release of the huge work.

"Gilgamesh Epic" has been written by famous poet Kareem Al-Iraqi, and composed by El-Saher himself. The name of the work's director has not been settled yet. Moreover, the cast of the work is supposed to reach 500 artists; singers and actors. The Gilgamesh Epic is to be released by the end of this year.

On the other hand El Saher is to throw a concert at The Jarash Festival of Culture and Arts, which celebrates its silver jubilee this year. El-Saher's concert has been delayed since last year, when the Festival was suspended because of the Israeli aggression over Lebanon.

El-Saher's attendance at the festival this year marks a first time record, for it is to be his sixth participation after the years 1995, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2004.

Regarding El-Saher's song "Atohebony?", director Hussein De'eibes decided not to shoot the video clip for the song at Beirut, because of the unstable conditions between the Lebanese army and some armed militia there.

The shooting is to take place at Cairo, Dubai or Syria. In addition to video clipping "Atohebony?", De'eibes will also shoot two of the songs in El-Saher's last album "Yawmeyat Ragol Mahzoum", namely "Nay" and "Ensa".

De'eibes also finished the montage of the song "Tehebny Moat", by the Jordanian artist Diana Karazoun. The song was shot at the Dead Sea Panorama, and is to be broadcasted later on Arab satellite musical channels.

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